android - Realm exception "nested transaction not allowed" even though there are no nested transactions -

recently started android app project. , needed manage data structured possible.

so select realm , tinker it.

but faced error. don't know why error happens.

the error

nested transactions not allowed. use committransaction() after each begintransaction().

my code in below.

public class curatorapplication extends application {      private realm realm;      @override     public void oncreate() {         super.oncreate();         log.e("debug", "application class create!!");         configurerealmdatabase(this);     }      private void configurerealmdatabase(context context){         realmconfiguration config = new realmconfiguration.builder(context)                 .name("curator.realm")                 .build();         realm.setdefaultconfiguration(config);     } } 

i register realm @ application class described in here

and tried transaction @ activity. shows error. :(

package com.nolgong.curator.screen;  import android.os.bundle; import; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext;  import com.nolgong.curator.r; import; import com.nolgong.curator.model.retrofit.gameinformation; import; import;  import; import;  import io.realm.realm; import io.realm.exceptions.realmprimarykeyconstraintexception; import; import retrofit2.callback; import retrofit2.response;  public class introactivity extends appcompatactivity {      private button confirmbtn;     private edittext confirmtext;     private realm realm;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_intro);         setup();         registerlistener();     }      private string getproperty() throws ioexception{         properties properties = new properties();         properties.load(getresources().openrawresource(r.raw.config));         string property = properties.getproperty("serveraddress");         log.e("debug", "property : " + property);         return property;     }      private void setnetworkclient(string serveraddress){         log.e("debug", "address : " + serveraddress);         networkclient.getinstance(serveraddress);     }      private void setup(){         try {             setnetworkclient(getproperty());         } catch (ioexception e){             log.e("debug", "set network" + e);         }         confirmbtn = (button)findviewbyid(;         confirmtext = (edittext)findviewbyid(;         realm = realm.getdefaultinstance();         log.e("debug", "transaction state : " + realm.isintransaction());         log.e("debug", "configuration : \n" + realm.getconfiguration());     }      private void registerlistener(){         confirmbtn.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view view) {                 string teamid = confirmtext.gettext().tostring();                 integer digit = integer.valueof(teamid);                 log.e("debug", digit + "");                 networkclient.getinstance().login(digit, new callback<gameinformation>() {                     @override                     public void onresponse(call<gameinformation> call, response<gameinformation> response) {                         int responsecode = response.code();                         switch (responsecode){                             case 200:                                 gameinformation gameinformation = response.body();                                  log.e("debug", "game information " + gameinformation.tostring());                                  game game = gameinformation.getgame();                                 team team = gameinformation.getteam();                                  updategametorealm(game);                                 updateteamtorealm(team);                                 break;                             default:                                 log.e("debug", "maybe happened.");                                 break;                         }                     }                      @override                     public void onfailure(call<gameinformation> call, throwable t) {                         log.e("debug", "login fail :" + t.tostring());                     }                 });             }         });     }      private void updategametorealm(game game){ rgame = new com.nolgong.       , game.getdate(),                 game.getsession(), game.getrunningtime());         realm.begintransaction();          try {             realm.copytorealm(rgame);         } catch (realmprimarykeyconstraintexception e){             log.e("debug", e.tostring());             realm.canceltransaction();         } {             realm.committransaction();         }     }      private void updateteamtorealm(team team){ rteam = new com.nolgong.       , team.getmembers(),                 team.getgameid(), team.isclientdatasynced(),                 team.getjob(), team.getdigit(),                 team.getpoint());         realm.begintransaction();         try {             realm.copytorealm(rteam);         } catch (realmprimarykeyconstraintexception e){             log.e("debug", e.tostring());             realm.canceltransaction();         } {             realm.committransaction();         }     }      @override     protected void ondestroy() {         super.ondestroy();         realm.close();     } } 

why realm shows error? did use correctly? or it's bug? please me ioi..

as error says,

nested transactions not allowed. use committransaction() after each begintransaction().

it means can't this:

realm.begintransaction(); ... realm.begintransaction(); realm.committransaction(); 

a begintransaction() call must followed either committransaction() or canceltransaction() call.

it's highly recommended use executetransaction() instead of begin/cancel/commit, because it's easier use, , handles cancel on exceptions automatically.

edit: should not commit transaction after it's been rolled canceltransaction().

please try replacing begin/cancel/commit executetransaction() , see happens.

also, can try replacing copytorealm() copytorealmorupdate().

i think might running this issue because of multiple transactions on ui thread ran failure, i'm not sure that.


private void updategametorealm(game game){     realm realm = null;     try {         realm = realm.getdefaultinstance();         final rgame = new com.nolgong.   , game.getdate(),             game.getsession(), game.getrunningtime());         realm.executetransaction(new realm.transaction() {             @override             public void execute(realm realm) {                 realm.copytorealmorupdate(rgame);             }         });     } {         if(realm != null) {             realm.close();         }     } }  private void updateteamtorealm(team team){     realm realm = null;     try {               realm = realm.getdefaultinstance();         final rteam = new com.nolgong.   , team.getmembers(),             team.getgameid(), team.isclientdatasynced(),             team.getjob(), team.getdigit(),             team.getpoint());         realm.executetransaction(new realm.transaction() {             @override             public void execute(realm realm) {                 realm.copytorealmorupdate(rteam);             }         });     } {         if(realm != null) {             realm.close();         }     } } 


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