Netty : Set-Cookie in WebSocket Handshake -

my pipeline looks below

channelpipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline(); pipeline.addlast(new httpservercodec()); pipeline.addlast(new httpobjectaggregator(65536)); pipeline.addlast(new websocketserverprotocolhandler(websocket_path, null, true)); 

i want add set-cookie http header in response of handshake. part of rfc6455

the handshake server looks follows:

    connection:upgrade     sec-websocket-accept:t1ugq4hht3dvlnq5yi+i/gfasi8=     upgrade:websocket     set-cookie: ccc=22; path=/; httponly 

an unordered set of header fields comes after leading line in both cases. meaning of these header fields specified in section 4 of document. additional header fields may present, such cookies [rfc6265].

i don't find way. did invoking private method via reflection.


first find source code of websocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler class. class non-public, make copy of class , modifies basing on it.

class customwebsocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler extends channelinboundhandleradapter {      private final string websocketpath;     private final string subprotocols;     private final boolean allowextensions;     private final int maxframepayloadsize;     private final boolean allowmaskmismatch;     static final methodhandle sethandshakermethod = getsethandshakermethod();     static final methodhandle forbiddenhttprequestrespondermethod = getforbiddenhttprequestrespondermethod();      static methodhandle getsethandshakermethod(){          try {              method method = websocketserverprotocolhandler.class.getdeclaredmethod("sethandshaker"                     , channel.class                     , websocketserverhandshaker.class                     );              method.setaccessible(true);               return methodhandles.lookup().unreflect(method);         } catch (throwable e) {             // should never happen             e.printstacktrace();             system.exit(5);             return null;         }     }      static methodhandle getforbiddenhttprequestrespondermethod(){         try {             method method =  websocketserverprotocolhandler.class.getdeclaredmethod("forbiddenhttprequestresponder");             method.setaccessible(true);              return methodhandles.lookup().unreflect(method);         } catch (throwable e) {             // should never happen             e.printstacktrace();             system.exit(6);             return null;         }    }      public customwebsocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler(string websocketpath, string subprotocols,             boolean allowextensions, int maxframesize, boolean allowmaskmismatch) {         this.websocketpath = websocketpath;         this.subprotocols = subprotocols;         this.allowextensions = allowextensions;         maxframepayloadsize = maxframesize;         this.allowmaskmismatch = allowmaskmismatch;     }      @override     public void channelread(final channelhandlercontext ctx, object msg) throws exception {         fullhttprequest req = (fullhttprequest) msg;         if (!websocketpath.equals(req.uri())) {             ctx.firechannelread(msg);             return;         }          try {             if (req.method() != get) {                 sendhttpresponse(ctx, req, new defaultfullhttpresponse(http_1_1, forbidden));                 return;             }              final websocketserverhandshakerfactory wsfactory = new websocketserverhandshakerfactory(                     getwebsocketlocation(ctx.pipeline(), req, websocketpath), subprotocols,                             allowextensions, maxframepayloadsize, allowmaskmismatch);             final websocketserverhandshaker handshaker = wsfactory.newhandshaker(req);             if (handshaker == null) {                 websocketserverhandshakerfactory.sendunsupportedversionresponse(;             } else {                    channel channel =;                 final channelfuture handshakefuture = handshaker.handshake(channel, req, getresponseheaders(req), channel.newpromise());                  handshakefuture.addlistener(new channelfuturelistener() {                     @override                     public void operationcomplete(channelfuture future) throws exception {                         if (!future.issuccess()) {                             ctx.fireexceptioncaught(future.cause());                         } else {                             ctx.fireusereventtriggered(                                     websocketserverprotocolhandler.serverhandshakestateevent.handshake_complete);                         }                     }                 });                   try {                     sethandshakermethod.invokeexact(, handshaker);                      channelhandler handler = (channelhandler)forbiddenhttprequestrespondermethod.invokeexact();                     ctx.pipeline().replace(this, "ws403responder", handler);                  } catch (throwable e) {                     // should never happen                     e.printstacktrace();                     system.exit(7);                 }              }         } {             req.release();         }     }      private static void sendhttpresponse(channelhandlercontext ctx, httprequest req, httpresponse res) {         channelfuture f =;         if (!iskeepalive(req) || res.status().code() != 200) {             f.addlistener(channelfuturelistener.close);         }     }      private static string getwebsocketlocation(channelpipeline cp, httprequest req, string path) {         string protocol = "ws";         if (cp.get(sslhandler.class) != null) {             // ssl in use use secure websockets             protocol = "wss";         }         return protocol + "://" + req.headers().get( + path;     }      private static httpheaders getresponseheaders(fullhttprequest req){         final string cookiename = "cid";                 final defaulthttpheaders httpheaders = new defaulthttpheaders();           string connectionid = null;         string cookiestring = req.headers().get(httpheadernames.cookie);         if( cookiestring != null && cookiestring.length() > 0 )         {             set<cookie> cookies = servercookiedecoder.lax.decode(cookiestring);             (cookie cookie : cookies) {                 if( cookiename.equalsignorecase({                     connectionid = cookie.value();                     break;                 }             }            }         if( connectionid == null || connectionid.length() < 16 || connectionid.length() > 50 ){             connectionid = uuid.randomuuid().tostring().replaceall("-", "");         }           defaultcookie cookie = new defaultcookie("cid", connectionid);         cookie.setpath("/");         cookie.sethttponly(true);         cookie.setsecure(false);          httpheaders.add(httpheadernames.set_cookie, servercookieencoder.lax.encode(cookie));         return httpheaders;     } } 

then add new class inherits websocketserverprotocolhandler

class customwebsocketserverprotocolhandler extends websocketserverprotocolhandler  {      private final string websocketpath;     private final string subprotocols;     private final boolean allowextensions;     private final int maxframepayloadlength;     private final boolean allowmaskmismatch;       public customwebsocketserverprotocolhandler(string websocketpath, string subprotocols,             boolean allowextensions) {         this(websocketpath, subprotocols, allowextensions, 65536, false);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }      public customwebsocketserverprotocolhandler(string websocketpath,             string subprotocols, boolean allowextensions, int maxframesize,             boolean allowmaskmismatch) {         super(websocketpath, subprotocols, allowextensions, maxframesize,                 allowmaskmismatch);          this.websocketpath = websocketpath;         this.subprotocols = subprotocols;         this.allowextensions = allowextensions;         maxframepayloadlength = maxframesize;         this.allowmaskmismatch = allowmaskmismatch;     }      @override     public void handleradded(channelhandlercontext ctx) {         channelpipeline cp = ctx.pipeline();         if (cp.get(customwebsocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler.class) == null) {             // add websockethandshakehandler before one.             ctx.pipeline().addbefore(, customwebsocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler.class.getname(),                         new customwebsocketserverprotocolhandshakehandler(websocketpath, subprotocols,                                 allowextensions, maxframepayloadlength, allowmaskmismatch));         }         if (cp.get(utf8framevalidator.class) == null) {             // add uft8 checking before one.             ctx.pipeline().addbefore(, utf8framevalidator.class.getname(),                     new utf8framevalidator());         }     }   } 

put them pipeline

    pipeline.addlast(new httpservercodec());     pipeline.addlast(new httpobjectaggregator(65536));     pipeline.addlast(new websocketservercompressionhandler());     pipeline.addlast(new customwebsocketserverprotocolhandler(websocket_path, "*", true)); 


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