Ruby on Rails: Braintree::AuthenticationError -

hello there have problem braintree implementation! created sandbox account on braintree websites , added gem gemfile:

gem 'braintree', "~> 2.62.0" 

create file /initializers/braintree.rb:

  braintree::configuration.environment = :sandbox   braintree::configuration.merchant_id = env['merchant_id']   braintree::configuration.public_key = env['public_key_b']   braintree::configuration.private_key = env['private_key_b'] 

(i use figaro gem handle constant: application.yml

merchant_id             : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" public_key_b            : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" private_key_b           : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 


added route following documentation in routes file:

  scope '/api'     scope  '/v1'       scope '/client_token'         '/' => braintree::clienttoken.generate       end       ...     end   end 

now if start server via command rails s following error:

=> booting puma => rails application starting in development on http://localhost:3000 => run `rails server -h` more startup options => ctrl-c shutdown server i, [2016-06-28t11:59:59.271177 #16383]  info -- : [braintree] [28/jun/2016 09:59:59 utc] post /merchants/xxxxxxxxxxx/client_token 401 exiting /users/xxxxxxx/.rbenv/versions/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/braintree-2.62.0/lib/braintree/util.rb:51:in `raise_exception_for_status_code': braintree::authenticationerror (braintree::authenticationerror) 

what can do?


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