google api - Get Oauth token of googleAPI with REST client -

i going use google sheet api. want test rest client, so, first @ all, want example of how oauth token. no need give me google api doc because didn't me much.

for example don't know put in "redirect_uri" or "state". can provide me full example of how token http rest client?

i going use google sheet api. want test rest client, so, first @ all, want example of how oauth token. no need give me google api doc because didn't me much.

i'll give quick sample on how use rest client sheets api v4 , generate token well. you'll learn how perform basic sheets v4 operation.

  1. go oauthplayground. scroll down google sheets v4.
  2. choose permission. click authorize apis , allow access.
  3. on step 2, click exchange authorization code tokens. generate access tokens. token has lifecycle of 3600 seconds.
  4. in request uri textfield, paste this:{spreadsheetid}/values/{sheet1}!a1

*replace sheet1 name of sheet , spreadsheetid id of spreadsheet.

this rest call return value of a1 cell. you've learned how fetch cell values using rest.

check js quickstart apply on web using js.


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