angular - Async form validation with debounce? -

i wondering how can implement debounce time on async validator.

i have following:

... password: ['',validators.compose([validators.required, this.passwordvalid])] ... 


passwordvalid(control:control):{ [key: string]: any; } {     return new promise(resolve => {'/passwordcheck', control.value)             .subscribe(                 success=>{                     resolve(null);                 },                 error=>{                     resolve({passwordvalid: false})                 }             )     }) } 

however now, validation triggered @ each keystroke. need add debounce functionality. how can that?

it's not possible out of box since validator directly triggered when input event used trigger updates. see line in source code:

if want leverage debounce time @ level, need observable directly linked input event of corresponding dom element. issue in github give context:

in case, workaround implement custom value accessor leveraging fromevent method of observable.

here sample:

const debounce_input_value_accessor = new provider(   ng_value_accessor, {useexisting: forwardref(() => debounceinputcontrolvalueaccessor), multi: true});  @directive({   selector: '[debouncetime]',   //host: {'(change)': 'doonchange($', '(blur)': 'ontouched()'},   providers: [debounce_input_value_accessor] }) export class debounceinputcontrolvalueaccessor implements controlvalueaccessor {   onchange = (_) => {};   ontouched = () => {};   @input()   debouncetime:number;    constructor(private _elementref: elementref, private _renderer:renderer) {    }    ngafterviewinit() {     observable.fromevent(this._elementref.nativeelement, 'keyup')       .debouncetime(this.debouncetime)       .subscribe((event) => {         this.onchange(;       });   }    writevalue(value: any): void {     var normalizedvalue = isblank(value) ? '' : value;     this._renderer.setelementproperty(this._elementref.nativeelement, 'value', normalizedvalue);   }    registeronchange(fn: () => any): void { this.onchange = fn; }   registerontouched(fn: () => any): void { this.ontouched = fn; } } 

and use way:

function validator(ctrl) {   console.log('validator called');   console.log(ctrl); }  @component({   selector: 'app'   template: `     <form>       <div>         <input [debouncetime]="2000" [ngformcontrol]="ctrl"/>       </div>       value : {{ctrl.value}}     </form>   `,   directives: [ debounceinputcontrolvalueaccessor ] }) export class app {   constructor(private fb:formbuilder) {     this.ctrl = new control('', validator);   } } 

see plunkr:


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