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AbotX : How do you create a parallel crawler that stays on and can be added to at run time from new requests -

i have parallelcrawlerengine setup singleton , have alwaysonsitetocrawlprovider set singleton , passed parallelcrawlerengine. i can instantiate , leave nothing ok. can add site , crawl ok. if add site not crawl second site. i have looked @ example on site doesn't appear show how work , have new items added after initial execution. using .addsitestocrawl() adds them list seems stay in purgatory state of not being read. looking through logs 'site completed' message though site has not been recrawled [2016-07-11 11:17:18,361] [20 ] [info ] - crawl domain [] completed in [0.0001118] seconds, crawled [361] pages and error if add new site [2016-07-11 11:17:33,365] [23 ] [error] - crawl domain [] failed after [0.0066498] seconds, crawled [361] pages [2016-07-11 11:17:33,365] [23 ] [error] - system.invalidoperationexception: cannot call dowork() after abortall() or dispose() have been called. @ abot.util.thre...

caffe - libcaffe error in cpp eclipse -

i want use cpp read leveldb features extracted caffe. use following code in eclipse: // copyright 2014 bvlc , contributors. #include <glog/logging.h> #include <stdio.h> // snprintf #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h> #include <leveldb/db.h> #include <leveldb/write_batch.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <map> //#include "cpp/sample.pb.h" #include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h" // for: datum using namespace caffe; #define number_features_per_image 16 using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { //google::initgooglelogging(argv[0]); if (argc < 2) { printf("error! not enough arguments!\nusage: %s <feature_folder>", argv[0]); exit(1); } log(info) << "creating leveldb object\n"; leveldb::db* db; leveldb::options options; options.create_if_missing = true; leveldb::status status ...

android - Create single AAR file from multiple modules using Gradle -

like many others, trying generate single aar file multi-modules android project. according this post , not supported android team because of various limitations (res & dependencies management, manifest merging, ...). i trying come own solution fits needs. know don't have duplicated resources , external dependencies (like support libraries) provided people using lib. my structure similar this: /root |- lib1 |- lib2 |- lib3 in order achieve goal, created 1 more library module, named distribute , include others modules. can share generated distribute.aar file. /root |- lib1 |- lib2 |- lib3 |- distribute this build.gradle file of distribute module: apply from: '../common.gradle' // configure properties shared accross modules apply plugin: '' def allmodules = rootproject.allprojects.collect { } - [, name] def whitelabeldependencies = [ whitelabel1: allmodules - ['lib2'], whitel...

Android: SharingActionView on swipe from bottom -

i share data other apps, don't want standard popup appears bottom tool bar; want kind of view: i followed official document: so there native component in android sdk? or there library that? thank guys! you can : first create menu item : <menu xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" tools:context="com.example.rashish.myapplication.mainactivity"> <item android:id="@+id/action_share" android:orderincategory="100" android:title="@string/action_settings" android:icon="@android:drawable/ic_menu_share" app:showasaction="always" /> </menu> then create method show intent chooser dialog, : private void share() { string te...

mysql - CrudRepository: findAll() stucks in infinite loop -

i have onetomany data model 2 entities. 1 machine contains many characteristics. problem: when try complete data of data base program stucks in infinite loop. see json result - data repeated time... [{"name":"neue machine","description":"description der neuen machine","characteristics":[{"name":null,"description":"character2","type":0,"value":0,"machine":{"name":"neue machine","description":"description der neuen machine","characteristics":[{"name":null,"description":"character2","type":0,"value":0,"machine":{"name":"neue machine","description":"description der neuen machine","characteristics":[{"name":null,"description":"character2","type":0,"value":0,"mac...

How to start daemon on android by adb -

can me please, head swollen... i trying run daemon on android emu/device command: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> but nothink happens, , no errors! if do: adb -s <device> shell and form shell cmdline: su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> than work fine. try use shell-script , run: adb -s <device_name> shell sh su -c /dir/ <port_number> and try generate script qt code port number , use: adb -s <device_name> shell sh su -c /dir/ but not helped... problem if enter adb shell previous run daemon - work. problem on different device/emu/iso_image different command format not work. example: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c /dir/daemon <port_number> // work @ emu, not @ iso and vice: adb -s <device_name> shell su -c "/dir/daemon <port_number>" // work @ iso etc. everybody can answer what's matter? sorry english adb shell su -c ...

javascript - Form validation angular -

i have couple of fields in form & want enable submit button if of them filled, how can this? if put required both or of them won't work want. <input type="text" name="phone"> <span ng-show="$touched &&$error.required">phone number or email required</span> <input type="text" name="email"> <span ng-show="$touched &&$error.required">phone number or email required</span> <button type="submit" ng-disabled="form.addcontactform.$invalid || form.addcontactform.$submitted">submit</button> if phone or email entered other message should hide you add conditions in <input type="text" name="phone" ng-model=""> <span ng-show="($touched || form.addcon...